About National Poetry Day
Anne Kennedy 'Songs of a Poem' National Poetry Day 2022

About National Poetry Day

First established in 1997, National Poetry Day is a one-day countrywide poetry event extravaganza held on a Friday in late August each year. In 2024, Phantom Billstickers National Poetry Day was held on Friday 23 August.

An extraordinary array of events soothed, delighted and uplifted poetry lovers and the public alike. Poetry popped up in churches, art galleries, bookshops, libraries and out on the streets. Poetry through music, open mic, book launches, poetry walks and so much more took place!

To find out more about what happened on National Poetry Day 2024, see here:

Phantom Billstickers National Poetry Day is governed by the New Zealand Book Awards Trust Te Ohu Tiaki i Te Rau Hiringa, and supported by Phantom Billstickers. To find out more about our amazing sponsor, click on the bulldog below.