Past Winners

Montana New Zealand Book Awards

Deutz Medal for Fiction or Poetry
Tu by Patricia Grace (Penguin, 2004)
Montana Medal for Non Fiction
At Home: A Century of New Zealand Design by Douglas Lloyd Jenkins (Godwit, 2004)
Tu by Patricia Grace (Penguin, 2004)
Nice Morning For It, Adam by Vincent O'Sullivan (Victoria University Press, 2004)
At Home: A Century of New Zealand Design by Douglas Lloyd Jenkins (Godwit, 2004)
Chronicle of the Unsung by Martin Edmond (Auckland University Press, 2004)
Reference & Anthology
The New Zealand Oxford Dictionary edited by Tony Deverson and Graeme Kennedy (Oxford University Press, 2005)
Lifestyle & Contemporary Culture
Hip Hop Music in Aotearoa by Gareth Shute (Reed, 2004)
Tiritiri Matangi: A Model of Conservation by Anne Rimmer (Tandem Press, 2004)
Handboek: Ans Westra Photographs by Luit Bieringa (BWX, 2004)
Readers’ Choice Award
Made in Morocco: A Journey of Exotic Tastes and Places by Julie Le Clerc and John Bougen (Penguin, 2004)
The NZSA Hubert Church Best First Book Award for Fiction
My Real Life and Other Stories by Julian Novitz (Vintage, 2004)
The NZSA Jessie Mackay Best First Book Award for Poetry
Clung by Sonja Yelich (Auckland University Press, 2004)
The NZSA E. H. McCormick Best First Book Award for Non-Fiction
Ghost Dance by Douglas Wright (Penguin, 2004)
Best Review Page or Programme
North & South
Reviewer of the Year
Tony Simpson